It is a typical day at work. I'm caught up, for the most part. The weather is good. I had a good lunch, and by many measures all is well. Except for the monster. The monster is a thief of good emotions. It is difficult to keep the monster at bay, but I keep trying. I go to the Doc, I take my meds, I meditate, and I try to keep myself reasonably fed and watered. It isn't easy, and it is never done. That frustration alone can make it worse. So, why write about it? In my own way, I am trying to defang the monster by not keeping it a secret. I don't hide my depression or treatment, I'm upfront about it... without being in your face about it. Many folks suffer in secret, not wanting to deal with unfair stigmas associated with the disease. I was there a long time ago, and I do know that it can get better, albeit imperfectly sometimes. So, I'll keep fighting the monster. Like many other situations involving monsters, fighting is much better than surrendering to...